Fraternal Order of Police, of Ohio, Inc.
Critical Incident Response Service
Deirdre Delong, Program Coordinator
222 East Town Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215-4611
Ohio Toll Free: 1-800-367-6524 (24 hours)
Office: 614-224-5700
Facsimile: 614-224-5775
Critical Incident Downloads
You have experienced a traumatic event or a critical incident (any incident that causes emergency service personnel to experience unusually strong emotional reactions which have the potential to interfere with their ability to function either at the scene or later). Even though the event may be over, you may now be experiencing or may experience later, some strong emotional or physical reaction. It is very common, in fact quite normal, for the people to experience emotional after shocks when they have passed through a horrible event.
Sometime the emotional aftershocks (or stress reactions) appear immediately after the traumatic event. Sometimes they may appear a few hours or a few days later. And, in some cases, weeks or months may pass before the stress reactions appear.
The signs and symptoms of a stress reaction may last a few days, a few weeks or a few months and occasionally longer depending on the severity of the traumatic event. With understanding and the support of loved ones the stress reaction usually pass more quickly. Occasionally, the traumatic event is so painful that professional assistance from a counselor may be necessary. This does not imply craziness or weakness. It simply indicates that the particular event was just too powerful for the person to manage by himself or herself.
Below is a list of four (4) resources, available in for reading and printing with Adobe Acrobat Reader. (Click on the file)
Helpful Coping Strategies |
Tips for Family Members & Friends |
Signs & Signals of a Stress Reaction |
The Top Ten (10) list - Reasons to contact CIRS |
If you do not have Acrobat Reader®, get it here. |